Our Story

Help Poor in India

Our Organization

India Development and Relief Fund, Inc. is a United States-based, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity under a section of Internal Revenue Code. Our EIN is 52-1555563

Educate Poor Girls in India

Our Mission

Enhance sustainable and equitable access to education, health, agriculture,water and sanitation, and infrastructure to target groups along with a rapid response to victims of a disaster.

Our Philosophy:

We believe a lasting change in impoverished regions can happen only when local people take charge and lead the change. Our Approach  puts power, not charity, in hands of the poor. We steer our programs to produce benefits for children and women who are powerful players in the fight against poverty.  We empower marginalized people with education, livelihood skills and self-governance capabilities so they are equipped to make changes to their lives and their children’s.

We also believe every person has the right to survive and prosper with dignity.  IDRF’s programs serve the disadvantaged without regard to race, religion, caste or creed.