NGO: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Delhi Branch Trust Society
The Government of India has released the New Education Policy-2020 keeping in mind the changing employment landscape and global ecosystem. Education thus, must move towards less content, and more towards learning about how to think critically and solve problems, how to be creative and multidisciplinary, and how to innovate, adapt, and absorb new material in novel and changing fields. Pedagogy must evolve to make education more inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centered, discussion-based, flexible, and enjoyable. The vision of the New Education Policy is in line with the teachings of Integral Education of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo.
IDRF partner since: 2010
- Focus Area: Governance and Innovation
- Location: Delhi
- Project Title: Implementation of Integral Education through Project-based Learning and Reflective Practices for Teachers from Rural Areas, and Integral Education and Physical Fitness for Rural Teachers.
The New Education Policy of India emphasizesthat the teacher must be at the center of the fundamental reforms in theeducation system. In October 2023, IDRF in partnership with New CreationInternational, USA helped conduct a 7-day workshop on ‘Integral Education andNational Education Policy (NEP) 2020’ for 35 teachers from 10 poor ruralschools across India, at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram – Delhi Branch. Theworkshop for teachers was designed to be very comprehensive and integrated tocover all key aspects that can later be imparted to school students by theteachers. The workshop covered key concepts of Integral Education beingemphasized in the New Education Policy: project-based learning, reflectivepractices, and progress reports for children. The participants were introducedto Integral Education philosophy in detail and explained the concepts throughvarious activities. The workshop also consisted of sessions on Chanting, yogaasana and meditation, shramdaan, sports, physical activities, etc.
Through the workshop, the teachers were ableto develop new skills, and inquiring minds, and it helped instill confidence inthem to adopt the New Education Policy in their respective schools where they didnot have access to such experiences and knowledge.
Children in their earlier years should beencouraged to have a structured sports program so that they inculcate the habitof physical exercise in everyday life. However, the schools in rural areas arenot able to afford good quality sports equipment, nor are those easilyavailable. IDRF and New CreationInternational are working towards enhancing physical fitness and agility in thechildren which will result in their overall development and instill focus,concentration, and confidence in them. In 2024, a 7-day camp will be organizedat Sri Aurobindo Ashram-Delhi Branch to train 26 teachers from 13 rural schoolsacross India, to understand and enhance the emphasis on Physical Education. Theparticipants will train to monitor key parameters of fitness- running speed,jumping length, height/weight, etc. and help rural children get an opportunityto develop at all levels.