How IDRF connected with Magan Sangrahalaya Samiti (MSS) NGO in Maharashtra?

How IDRF connected with Magan Sangrahalaya Samiti (MSS) NGO in Maharashtra?

In describing Dr. Vinod Prakash's remarkable experiences for collaborating with various NGOs for his charitable, development, and rehabilitation endeavors, he never fails to unveil captivating anecdotes from his IDRF journey. In this compelling blog post we present the fascinating story of how IDRF established a profound connection with Magan Sangrahalaya Samiti (MSS), a highly reputed NGO in Maharashtra. Renowned for its exceptional projects aimed at empowering rural communities, particularly women and farmers, MSS stands as a beacon of hope and transformation. Discussing here the extraordinary partnership between IDRF and MSS is a testament to the incredible potential that arises when great minds and noble causes converge.

Dr. Prakash had an opportunity in 2006 to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary at the Gandhi Memorial Center in Washington DC, USA. At that event, Dr. Prakash and his wife Sarla met Dr. Vibha Gupta, the founder of the MSS NGO in the Wardha District of Maharashtra.

During the event, Dr. Gupta was rightfully honored for her unwavering commitment to the principles of Mahatma Gandhi's freedom movement. It was evident that she was a genuine follower of Mahatma Gandhi, just like her father who had a close association with Vinoba Bhave, a renowned freedom fighter and devoted disciple of Mahatma Gandhi.

After the program, Dr. Prakash had the privilege of sharing his family's patriotic roots with Dr. Gupta. Inspired by his family and the noble work of IDRF, she decided to visit his home upon his invitation. This meeting between Dr Prakash, Sarla Prakash, and Dr Vibha Gupta marked the beginning of a fruitful partnership that would span many years dedicated to serving the nation for environment sustainability, woman & farmer empowerment and many more projects.

When discussing some projects of IDRF with MSS, Dr. Prakash shared the fascinating initiative of producing Jaggery from sugarcane. It was considered as the primary income source for farmers. However, there was a major obstacle hindering its success - the unreliable electricity supply in those days. This issue was promptly addressed by Dr. Vibha, who assisted in establishing a jaggery production plant for the farmers. The solution presented by Dr Prakash was truly novel ā€“ suggesting that working during nighttime when electricity was more stable could ensure uninterrupted operation of the plant and enhance productivity. Embracing this suggestion with great enthusiasm, Dr. Vibha implemented the idea, enabling farmers to produce jaggery efficiently and ensuring their welfare.

In a separate initiative, farmers faced immense challenges when selling their produce at a distant farmer's market, far from their village. Their only means of transportation were slow-moving bullock carts, resulting in valuable time wasted during the lengthy journey. Such delays considerably affected the quality and freshness of their perishable goods, such as fruits and vegetables.

Recognizing this pressing issue, Dr. Vibha approached IDRF with a sincere request for assistance. She advocated for the donation of a jeep or truck to facilitate easy and efficient transportation for the farmers, enabling them to promptly reach the market, sell their products, and maximize their profits. Understanding the significance of this undertaking, Dr. Prakash fervently supported the proposal to aid farmers in need.

Furthermore, Dr. Vibha expressed her desire to Dr. Prakash to establish a cost-effective small shop with asbestos roofs specifically for farmers. This shop aimed to provide them with easy access to essential supplies. With the generous assistance of IDRF, she successfully launched a small farmer market, focusing on augmenting the farmers' income. One of their key offerings was organic fertilizer, crafted meticulously using organic manure.

Driven by her passion for organic/natural farming, Dr. Vibha decided to expand her venture. She established an organic cafeteria in a different location as a part of her organic farming movement.

Consequently, this initiative gained immense popularity among the neighboring villagers, particularly those who frequently passed by. They wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity to savor delicious organic lunch and dinner.

Dr. Vibha's accomplishments through MSS, supported by IDRF, extend far beyond the establishment of these remarkable projects. Together, they embarked on numerous other successful initiatives. Their combined efforts later culminated in the creation of the renowned Natural Farming Center in Wardha.

Through this notable collaboration, IDRF has made a significant impact on charitable initiatives in India to uplift Indiaā€™s rural, empower women & farmers and environmental sustainability.

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