NGO: Nayantara Memorial Charitable Trust

NGO: Nayantara Memorial Charitable Trust

Nayantara Memorial Charitable Trust (NMCT), a public charitable trust, has worked since 2002, to extend a helping hand towards the deprived and the destitute. NMCT was established to carry out sustainable development programs to empower and engage the Santhal Tribe of Chaupahari jungle, Birbhum, West Bengal. This tribal population is amongst the poorest and most disadvantaged section of the society and over the years NMCT has been working in the field of Education, Basic Health care, and Livelihood in order to bring about an integrated development.

IDRF partner since: 2013

Students in a Vocational Training Class

Please click on the link to learn more about Nayantara Memorial Charitable Trust’s projects.

NGO: Maharaja Agrasen Technical Education Society

NGO: Maharaja Agrasen Technical Education Society


Created in 1998 by a number of professionals, businessmen, and other supporters, committed to education in the field of technology, Maharaja Agrasen Technical Education Society operates a number of educational institutions committed to this endeavor.

IDRF Partner Since: 2014

Focus Area: Education

Location: Himachal Pradesh

Project Title: Auditorium/Sports Facility Construction


IDRF is currently supporting Maharaja Agrasen’s expansion project, which includes the construction of an auditorium and sports facility for student use.

NGO: Lila Poonawalla Foundation

NGO: Lila Poonawalla Foundation

Padmashree Ms. Lila Poonawalla along with her husband Mr. Firoz Poonawalla established the Lila Poonawalla Foundation (LPF) in 1995 with a vision to contribute to the empowerment of Indian women. LPF supports academically outstanding and financially deserving girls through scholarships to pursue higher education. LPF places great importance on nurturing women’s abilities through comprehensive education, including personal development workshops, activities, study tours, and other enrichment programs. Since its inception, LPF has transformed the lives of over 10,800 girls and their families. The foundation gives Scholarships to the girls from Amaravati, Wardha and Nagpur in Maharashtra and Hyderabad in Telangana.

IDRF partner since: 2009

The focus of LPF scholarships lies in the overall development and transformation of the scholarship recipients. Besides the financial assistance provided for completing their professional education, LPF focuses on ‘Beyond Scholarship’ by investing in the Skill Building & Development interventions to transform its girls into confident employable professionals for the industry at large. This also makes them balanced, empathetic and responsible human being. LPF provides them support in locating internship and placement opportunities, especially to those girls who may not get campus placement opportunities. LPF School Project is also supported with need based infrastructure and counseling of girls and their parents.

Many LILA Girls/LILA Fellows are working as Leaders in organizations such as Google, TCS, IBM, and Walmart in the USA. In India, thousands of LILA Girls and LILA Fellows are excelling in their career with Corporate MNCs, Hospitals, Academia Institutes, Research Organizations, Consulting and Civil Services.

LPF encourages the culture of give back within the LILA Girls/LILA Fellows through donations to help other girls get an education and blossom into confident young ladies through mentoring.

Skill building and training program for LILA Fellows.

Lila Girls from Wardha in a training class

Please click on  to know more about how Lila Poonawalla Foundation champions the significant cause of promoting girl’s education and women empowerment

NGO: Jayarama Educational Society

NGO: Jayarama Educational Society

The Jayarama Educational Society started a school in West Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh. This English Medium School, Jayarama Vijnana Vihara, has provided economically-disadvantaged children from surrounding villages with quality, value-based education since 1999. Presently the school has about 300 students from kindergarten to tenth standard.

IDRF partner since: 2012

Teachers and Students at the School

NGO: Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of India

NGO: Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of India


The Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation is an education organization committed to promoting literacy through tribal and rural India. The foundation is working throughout India, and has nearly 52,000 teachers. Thousands of these individuals are volunteers, and they provide quality education to children in remote villages in 22 Indian states.

IDRF Partner Since: 2007

Focus Area: Education

Location: Bihar

Project Title: Ekal Vidyalayas


IDRF has partnered with Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation to sponsor 250 one-teacher schools throughout Bihar and the tribal Northeast.

NGO: Health Aid Trust

NGO: Health Aid Trust

Health Aid Trust (HAT) is a nonprofit organization, established in 1999, committed to providing advancement of health related issues without discriminating on the basis of cast, creed, religion or gender. HAT also provides relief in accidents and natural calamities, such as drought, floods and other natural disasters. They also provide medical activities and organize treatment camps for the needy from time to time.

IDRF partner since: 2014

OPD at Jay Ambe Hospital

Operating Room at Jay Ambe Hospital

Jay Ambe Hospital

Please click on the link to know more about Health Aid Trust’s hospital project.

NGO: Chaitanya Trust

NGO: Chaitanya Trust

Chaitanya is a developmental non-profit organization established in 1993, as a pioneer of community based micro-finance institutions in Maharashtra. It has been a catalyst in facilitating the process to help the rural women out of the vicious cycle of poverty and bring about gender parity. Chaitanya has been able to provide the women a platform which can address their financial and social needs at grassroots level. Their programs are mutually reinforcing and try to address social issues in a holistic manner. Chaitanya not only develops village level people’s institutions as the core of development process, but also tries to form a sustainable partnership with local organizations.

IDRF partner since: 2005

Women-run Enterprise: Cattle Management

Women-run Enterprise: Flour Mill

Women-run Enterprise: Papad Making

Please click on the link to learn more about Chaitanya Trust’s various programs.

NGO: Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS)

NGO: Economic Rural Development Society

Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS) is an NGO established in 1982 in a village in West Bengal. ERDS owes its existence to the dedication and hard work of Mr. Madhu Basu, who wanted to combat the growing poverty in villages and urban areas. It is a non-profit, secular and non-political organization dedicated to the mitigation of misery and poverty, and upliftment of the impoverished.

The primary objective of the organization is to engage in sustainable development techniques to empower the local rural communities, especially women and children. In the initial years it concentrated on non-formal and adult education. Gradually ERDS has diversified its activities in other fields such as women and child development, child education, child sponsorship, health & nutrition, low cost sanitation, care & rehabilitation of the elderly.

IDRF partner since: 2005

Students at Kesarben Memorial School, Gajole

Please click on the following link to find more information about Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS).

NGO: Computer Shiksha

NGO: Computer Shiksha

Computer Shiksha is a non-profit organization that was founded by corporate leaders in 2012 to bridge digital divide in India. The skills and experience of the founders has led the NGO to provide free but quality computer literacy programs spread over 55 weeks curriculum to underserved children attending the government and municipality schools.  

IDRF partner since: 2018

Children proudly showing off their computer course completion certificates

Teachers from 22 schools in Jalaun district, Uttar Pradesh completed their computer training course (August 2021)

Children attending a computer literacy class in their school

Please click on the link to learn more about Computer Shiksha

NGO: Bodh Shiksha Samiti

NGO: Bodh Shiksha Samiti

Bodh Shiksha Samiti has evolved from experiences of collective action that helped establish a community school or bodhshala in Jaipur (Rajasthan, India). The school was initiated in 1987, and has motivated India’s ultra-poor communities to transform their villages and slums into centers of education excellence. It has pioneered the ‘common schools movement in India’, where schools (called Bodhshalas) are built, co-owned and co-managed by, mostly Below Poverty Line (BPL) communities in areas untouched by the government education system. Its key strength lies in its emphasis on learning from varied community settings and classrooms and holding students, parents and teachers in a tight loop of accountability and partnership

IDRF partner since: 2015

Free education for children living in slums of Jaipur

Activity-based teaching methods are used at Bodhshalas

IDRF supporter Durgesh Gupta at the girls’ residential school Manas Ganga

Please click on the link to know more about Bhodh Shiksha Samiti’s education programs for the deprived urban and rural communities.