Swami Vivekananda Rural Development Society (SVRDS)

NGO: Swami Vivekananda Rural Development Society (SVRDS)

Swami Vivekananda Rural Development Society (SVRDS) was set up to empower the rural poor, by providing them educational, social development and humanitarian services. SVRDS works in the rural parts of Tamil Nadu, where people are not only extremely poor, but also suffer from high rates of malnutrition, illiteracy, unemployment and perpetual cycle of poverty.

IDRF partner since: 1996

Students attending night school in a temple compound

A Single Teacher School in one of the villages

Solar Panel on rooftop providing electricity

Please click on the links below to know more about Swami Vivekananda Rural Development Society.


NGO: S M Sehgal Foundation

NGO: S M Sehgal Foundation

S M Sehgal Foundation was set up in 1999, with a mission to strengthen community-led development initiatives to achieve positive social, economic and environmental changes across rural India.

IDRF partner since: 2017

Jagruk Krishak-Training Workshop for Farmers Growing Vegetables

Jagruk Krishak-Training Workshop for Women Farmers



Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana University (S-VYASA), was established in 1986 and is a charitable educational institution promoting the role of Yoga in the modern medical sciences and research. Based on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, the four streams of Yoga, that are the key essence of Indian culture, are now being applied to bring health, harmony, and peace to people all over the world. Suggested by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the United Nations has declared June 21st as the International Yoga Day in 2014. The mission of S-VYASA has been to combine the best of the east (Yoga and spiritual lore) with that of the west (modern scientific research).

S-VYASA has supported and enabled thousands of students with an interest in yoga and its connection to medicine to conduct research, both independently and in collaboration with dozens of medical institutions around the world.

IDRF partner since: 2002

Lakshmi Amma Women’s Hostel on the campus

Hostel accommodates 500 students

Spacious and furnished rooms in the hostel

Please click on the link to learn more about the S-VYASA’s various programs.


Sri Lankan Charities in USA

NGO: Sri Lanka Centre for Development Facilitation (SLCDF)

NGO: Sri Lanka Centre for Development Facilitation (SLCDF)

Sri Lanka Centre for Development Facilitation is a non-profit voluntary organization that was created in 1987. SLCDF is committed to building and strengthening the network of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and voluntary organizations to address poverty and other related social and economic issues in Sri Lanka. SLCDF’s programs enhance the capacities and social capital of the underprivileged by developing knowledge, skills, resources, and technical support to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable human development.

IDRF partner since: 2017

  • Providing training in land management technologies for prevention of land degradation
  • Providing revolving loan funds for various livelihood activities (home gardening, polytunnel plant nursery, conservation farming, and improved dairy farming, etc.)
  • Providing training for small tea holders and pepper cultivation
  • Providing capital for cattle sheds to existing dairy farmers
  • Providing planting material for establishing polytunnel plant nurseries

 IDRF grants have helped provide training and revolving micro-loans to 78 women to start or strengthen their small enterprises. This has led to an increase in the incomes of their families and made them economically and socially stable. Most of the additional income earned by these women is being invested in their children’s education and nutrition. Also, the self-employment opportunities created for women as a result of this program are enhancing leadership and confidence among them at the community level.

Converting Small Business to a Micro-venture

Sri Lankan Charities in USADhammika, 46, lives in Central Province of Sri Lanka with her husband and two little boys. As part of the IDRF’s micro-credit program to empower poor rural women, she received training and a loan to make bags and mosquito-nets to sell at the local weekly market.

With the increased income, she is able to buy more raw material to make more bags and nets and pay for the education of her children. With an increase in her family income, she is also able to repay the loan and save some money to meet emergency medical expenses for her family.

US Charities Supporting Sri LankaKanthi Weerasinghe, 57, lives in Central Province, Sri Lanka with her husband. They are engaged in farming activities on their small plot of land and sell the produce in a far off market. To get to the market, the family has to spend a lot of money on transportation and so she started a small poultry farm to supplement the household income.

However, the family suffered a major economic setback when the farm had to be shut down temporarily due to a disease. Kanthi applied for a loan supported by IDRF’s micro-credit program in partnership with SLCDF, to buy more birds to restart her small business. Now the financial conditions at home are improving once again!

Small convenience store

Mushroom cultivation

Pepper planting

Ekel broom making

Please click on the link to learn more about SLCDF:

NGO: Shiksha Bharati

NGO: Shiksha Bharati

Shiksha Bharati is an educational institution that is devoted to the cause of the empowerment of girls. The education complex comprises a senior secondary school for girls, an IDRF hostel for tribal girls, a B. Ed college, herbal garden, and gaushala (animal shelter) on a 20-acre campus, some 65 kilometers east of New Delhi. IDRF provides free value-based education, board, and lodging to underprivileged tribal girls from northeast India. The IDRF-supported hostel can accommodate 100 students and is attached to the C.B.S.E. accredited senior secondary school.

IDRF partner since: 2001

The two-unit biogas plant installed at IDRF-tribal girls’ hostel

The biogas plant meets the fuel needs in the kitchen at the girls’ hostel

Clean energy from the biogas plant replaces 57 (approx.) LPG cylinders per year at the hostel

Please click on the link to learn more about Shiksha Bharati https://www.shikshabharati.com/

NGO: Lila Poonawalla Foundation

NGO: Lila Poonawalla Foundation

Padmashree Mrs. Lila Poonawalla along with her husband Mr. Firoz Poonawalla established the Lila Poonawalla Foundation (LPF) in 1995. This educational trust was set up with a vision to contribute to the empowerment of Indian women through education. LPF supports academically outstanding and financially deserving girls through scholarships to pursue higher education. LPF places great importance on nurturing women’s abilities through a comprehensive education, including personal development workshops, activities, gatherings, study tours, and other such enrichment programs. Since its inception, over 12,220 scholarships have been granted to 5,848 deserving girls. The foundation gives Scholarships to the girls from Pune, Amaravati and Wardha districts in Maharashtra.

IDRF partner since: 2009

Skill building and training program for LILA Fellows.

Lila Girls from Wardha in a training class

Please click on https://www.lilapoonawallafoundation.com/  to know more about how Lila Poonawalla Foundation champions the significant cause of promoting girl’s education and women empowerment

NGO: Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS)

NGO: Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS)

Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS) is an organization that was established in 1982 in West Bengal. ERDS owes its existence to the dedication and hard work of Mr. Madhu Basu, who wanted to combat the growing poverty in villages and urban areas. It is a non-profit, secular and non-political organization dedicated to the mitigation of misery and poverty, and upliftment of the impoverished.

The primary objective of the organization is to engage in sustainable development techniques to empower the local rural communities, especially women and children. In the initial years it concentrated on non-formal adult education. Gradually ERDS has diversified its activities in other fields such as women and child development, children’s education, health & nutrition, low cost sanitation, care & rehabilitation of the elderly and disaster relief & rehabilitation.

IDRF partner since: 2005

Shyamali Rani purchased Ice-Cream Carts with Loan Funded by IDRF

Chayarani Mondol’s Success Story:

Chayarani Mondol belonged to a poverty stricken background and used to sell vegetables in the local market to meet both ends. Despite her hard efforts, the volatility in the prices of vegetables and increased competition in the market, made it very difficult for her family to survive on her meager income. Her children had to drop out of the school and could not continue their education.

In 2009, she took the initiative and set up a small stationery shop with the seed capital support of INR 5,000 from ERDS. Chayarani made substantial efforts to increase the sales of her stationery shop and gradually the popularity of the shop increased. She gave up selling vegetables and started working full-time in her shop.  She has been very regular in repaying the loan installments and with the financial support from IDRF, she has been extended a credit of INR 30,000. With this extended credit, she has been able to add daily use products and a photocopier machine in her shop.

As a result of her hard work and support from IDRF, her family income has nearly trippled and their average monthly income is now INR 10,000. With this increase in her income she is now able to fund higher education for her daughter.

Chayarani Mondol’s shop setup with the loan funded by IDRF

Madhumati Saha’s success story:

Prior to joining IDRF and ERDS’ micro-credit program in 2010, Madhumati Saha’s garment workshop was making a loss in spite of her hard work.  Through ERDS, she obtained a loan of INR 10,000 to buy an embroidery machine and raw materials.  This initial investment paid off, and with the help of other loans through ERDS, she was able to expand the business to include hosiery products and children’s clothing.    After successful repayment of her loans, she was able to borrow larger amounts that allowed her to rent a place to house the business and hire employees. She is now a thriving wholesale supplier of clothing products to various retail outlets in Kolkata. Her family income has improved significantly to INR 25,000 ‐30,000 per month.

“We are now capable enough to fulfill the basic needs of the family like education, nutrition, and health.
We consider ourselves blessed to be members of this micro-credit program”, 
says Madhumati Saha, beaming with pride.

Madhumati Saha runs a successful tailoring business with the loan funded by IDRF

Please click on the following link to find more information about Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS)




NGO: Vatsalya Trust Mumbai

NGO: Vatsalya Trust Mumbai

Vatsalya Trust Mumbai is a non-profit organization that was established in 1983 with the primary objective of caring for and rehabilitating destitute children through its orphanage as well as other social programs. The name ‘Vatsalya’, a Sanskrit word meaning affection, was considered appropriate for naming the Trust, as it works for the welfare of children and provides various facilities for their social and economic upliftment. Over the years, the Trust’s focus areas have extended beyond just the caring of destitute children, to include women’s empowerment and education efforts.

IDRF partner since: 1998

Please click on the following link to learn more about Vatsalya Trust’s programs for destitute children and women.

NGO: Surabi Charitable Trust

NGO: Surabi Charitable Trust

Surabi Trust is a non-governmental and philanthropic organization that was founded in 2008, by a group of socially committed youth in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.  The Trust is established with the ultimate aim to serve deprived children by providing them quality education, better medical and nutrition support and empower women to be self-reliant.

IDRF partner since: 2015

Homeless children residing at Brindavan

Homeless children residing at Brindavan are trained in Taekwondo and participate in championships

Please click on the link below to know more about the various programs carried out by Surabi Trust.


NGO: Society for Welfare of the Handicapped

NGO: Society for Welfare of the Handicapped

Society for Welfare of the Handicapped is a pioneer in North India in the field of education for Children with special needs. This Society was established in 1967 and started Special School for the Blind and the Patiala Special School for the Deaf and Dumb, that have been providing crucial education and life skills training to those that need it most. No fees is charged from the students for tuition or hostel facility and everything is free of cost to them. Over the years the school has become the most sought after special education facility for deaf and blind children in Punjab, Haryana and some of the neighboring states.

IDRF partner since: 2016

Deaf students in the classroom

Please click on the link to learn more about the Society for Welfare of the Handicapped- Patiala School.