Playing Cricket for a Cause in Nashua NH

Playing Cricket for a Cause in Nashua, NH

On Aug 5th, Waltham XI beat Team Nukes XI to win the 12th Annual IDRF Cricket-for-a-Cause tournament in Nashua, NH. In an enthusiastic display of athletic skill and passion for the cause, 30 teams participated and raised around $8,000 for IDRF’s programs in India.

This year’s tournament was graciously sponsored by the Hope Foundation of Concord, OH; Avco Consulting of Worcester, MA; and Ashok Patel of Jamison Hotels in Waltham, NH. Ranjani Saigal of Lokvani magazine graced the prize distribution ceremony as the guest of honor.

All proceeds from this year´s tournament will go to support a children’s educational program and a rural hospital, both serving tribal communities in Andhra Pradesh.

Countless university students and professionals have participated in Cricket-for-a-Cause over the years. A core team of volunteers organize the event each year with sponsorship from Indian-American businesses.

Jammu and Kashmir Floods 2014 2

Jammu and Kashmir Floods 2014

The state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) received torrential rainfall in September 2014 that triggered flooding and landslides in several areas. Constant rains and landslides wreaked havoc and brought life to a standstill in the state, claiming more than 150 lives, inundating hundreds of villages and leaving millions stranded.

NGO: Sewa Bharti Jammu and Kashmir

IDRF partner since: 2011

Mobile stalls with goods and Pherans (traditional woolen gowns) given to flood victims

Check distribution to the flood victims

Distribution of traditional woolen gown (pherans) to the victims

Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh Floods 2015

Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh Floods- 2015

Heavy rains caused by monsoon in November – December of 2015 resulted in floods along the Coromandel Coastal region of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. The city of Chennai was worst hit and the low-lying parts were soon inundated and several buildings collapsed as a result of heavy rains. In the Chennai region alone more than 500 people died and thousands displaced from their homes.

Hundreds of acres of agricultural land was ruined by flood waters in several districts of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. IDRF launched the fundraising to provide relief and rehabilitation through two highly reputable partner-NGOs: Swami Vivekananda Rural Development Society (SVRDS) and Yogoda Satsanga Society of India (YSS).

NGO: Swami Vivekananda Rural Development Society (SVRDS)

IDRF partner since: 1996

Distribution of Relief Kits to Flood Victims

Houses repaired/reconstructed for the flood victims in Tamil Nadu

NGO: Yogoda Satsanga Society of India (YSS)

Partner Since: 2002

IDRF funds to Yogoda Satsanga Society helped 8,075 families in five districts of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Many of the families that were helped were very poor and socially deprived and had not received any form of help from other relief agencies. YSS devotees and members distributed relief kits to these people that comprised of solar re-chargeable LED lamps, bedsheets, and mats.

Relief Kits being distributed to Flood Victims

Please click on the link to learn more about Yogoda Satsanga Society’s various programs.

Nepal Earthquake 2015

Nepal Earthquake- 2015

A massive earthquake measuring 7.8 on Richter scale struck Nepal on April 25, 2015, killing thousands and rendering hundreds of thousands homeless with entire villages flattened across the country. A series of aftershock began immediately and triggered more destruction by avalanches and landslides. Within a few days, on May 12, another major aftershock of magnitude 7.3 Richter scale caused more destruction and the number of dead rose to 9,000 and injured to 22,000.

IDRF promptly launched its special fundraising campaign and funds started pouring in.  Due to the benevolence of several individual supporters and organizations, IDRF was able to send funds through longtime partner-NGO Manav Seva Sansthan to provide immediate relief to the victims. IDRF also extended help to Public Health Concern Trust, based in Nepal, to set up the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the Kirtipur Hospital to deal with the overwhelming demands of surgery for the victims who had suffered serious injuries as a result of the earthquakes.

NGO: Manav Seva Sansthan “SEVA”

IDRF partner since: 2013

NGO: Public Health Concern Trust-NEPAL

NGO: Public Health Concern Trust-NEPAL

Partner Since: 2012

Right after the disastrous earthquake in Nepal, IDRF supporters and donors, wholeheartedly helped Kathmandu Model and Kirtipur Hospitals to serve more than 1,000 patients and 220 through surgical interventions. IDRF sent grants to establish and upgrade ICU facility and post-operative room at Kirtipur Hospital.

With IDRF and other organizations’ help, Public Health Concern Trust-Nepal was able to provide free medical and surgical care and hospital stay to the earthquake victims. Since most of the patients have lost their homes and belongings in the disaster, meals and a place to stay were also provided to their caretakers.

ICU at Kirtipur Hospital

Please click on the link below to know more about Public Health Concern Trust, Nepal.

Siachen Glacier Avalanche 2016

Siachen Glacier Avalanche- 2016

On February 3, 2016, an avalanche hit an Indian military base in Siachen Glacier region in Jammu and Kashmir, the inhospitable terrain at heights of 19,000 feet above sea level. Ten Indian Army soldiers were buried under deep snow and lost their lives. IDRF extended a helping hand to the new partner-NGO Youth for Sava, in order to send economic relief to the families of the dead soldiers in Karnataka.

NGO: Youth for Seva

IDRF partner since: 2016

Nandiwale Babu Annappa, Athani, Belgavi

Vishwanath Bharamappa Parasannavar, Gokak, Belagavi

India Floods- 2017

India Floods- 2017

Due to heavy rains, many parts in India like: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan, etc. experienced floods during the monsoons of 2017. Scores of people were killed and thousands rendered homeless. Rescue efforts on a war-footing by army and paramilitary rescue workers were carried out to evacuate people stranded on rooftops and trees and others were relocated from low-lying areas. Military personnel had to be called upon to help rescue thousands of people marooned due to floods. IDRF promptly launched the disaster relief/rehabilitation programs through its reputable partner-NGOs: Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS) in West Bengal, Gram Vikas Parishad in Bihar, Manav Seva Sansthan in eastern Uttar Pradesh and Samerth Charitable Trust in Gujarat.

NGO: Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS)

ERDS in West Bengal distributed Food Kits, each comprised of rice, flour, sugar and milk etc. to 100 flood affected families.

Devastation caused by floods in West Bengal- 2017

NGO: Gram Vikas Parishad

In Bihar, IDRF helped Gram Vikas Parishad distribute 100 Relief Kits to affected families. Each kit included: rice, flour, polythene sheets for temporary shelter, medicines and life jackets. Most of the flood ravaged villages comprise of elderly, women and children who had lost everything and were confronted with near-starvation like situation.

Distribution of Relief Kits to flood victims in Bihar

NGO: Manav Seva Sansthan

Manav Seva Sansthan distributed relief items to 100 flood affected families in eastern Uttar Pradesh. The relief items included ready to eat dry foods, non-Perishable food items like Wheat Flour, Rice, Oil, Pulses, Sugar, food containers, water filter, mosquito nets and hygiene kits. The beneficiaries included families from schedule caste, women headed families, widows and differently abled. The beneficiary families were identified in coordination with local government authorities and community members.  Token based distribution mechanism was adopted to avoid duplicity and ensure full transparency.  During the distribution the beneficiaries were briefed on healthy hand hygiene habits and encouraged to use toilets for defecation.

Distribution of Relief Material in Eastern Uttar Pradesh

NGO: Samerth Charitable Trust

Samerth in Gujarat distributed relief kit along with food grains to the 100 poorest of poor families living in interior parts of Gujarat. Samerth team had identified these families from 27 villages in the flood ravaged areas.

Hundreds of houses were badly damaged & acres of land got submerged under water and covered in flood-water sand. For thousands of victims in the disaster affected villages, agriculture is the only means of livelihood. Samerth has identified 80 families who have lost their livelihood as a part of the rehabilitation process.  With the financial support of IDRF, Samerth has been able to help resettle the poor villagers by providing them with potter’s wheels, masonry and agriculture kits, sheep, goats, buffaloes, fodder, milk cans and sewing machines, etc.


Relief and rehabilitation work for flood victims in Gujarat

Relief and rehabilitation work for flood victims in Gujarat

West Bengal Freak Storm- 2017

West Bengal Freak Storm- 2017

On March 25th 2017, a massive storm, wreaked havoc in Malda, West Bengal. Hundreds of lives in nine villages were devastated in just 22 minutes and killed people and innumerable livestock. The storm damaged/destroyed several houses, crops and innumerable livestock. This has been financially devastating for the poor rural people. IDRF and partner-NGO Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS) joined hands to help the victims of this storm.

West Bengal Freak Storm- 2017

IDRF partner since: 2011

Reconstruction of house for Beneficiary- Ashalata Gosh of Majhra village in Malda District

Reconstruction of House for Beneficiary- Maino Mardi in Badnagara village, Malda District

Kerala Floods- 2018

Kerala Floods- 2018 and 2019

Due to heavy monsoon rains, the state of Kerala in India, experienced devastating floods during the summers of 2018. Scores of people were killed and thousands rendered homeless. A red alert was announced in the state and troops deployed to carry out search and rescue missions. Hundreds of relief camps were opened to accommodate the victims. IDRF promptly launched the disaster relief/rehabilitation programs through its reputable partner-NGO: Manav Seva Sansthan and decided to send 100% of the donations received for flood victims.

NGO: Manav Seva Sansthan

IDRF partner since: 2018

Kitchen Kits and appliances were distributed to 100 severely affected families in Wayanad District

Livestock distribution to flood victims at a community event in Wayanad

Flood-affected families given cows to start up their livelihood once again

Foundation stone laid for IDRF-supported rebuilding of houses for extremely poor families

Cabinet Minister of Govt. Of Kerala inaugurates IDRF supported repairs and rebuilding of damaged houses

IDRF Fundraiser for Kerala Flood Victims:

IDRF held a fundraiser at Tatva Indian Cuisine in Herndon, Virginia, on August 25, 2018 to raise funds for relief and rehabilitation of the flood victims.

Several fundraisers were created on social media: Facebook by IDRF supporters and volunteers to raise funds for providing relief and rehabilitation for the severely affected flood victims.———————

IDRF Fundraiser at Tatva Indian Cuisine at Herndon, Virginia

Bihar Floods 2019

Bihar Floods 2019

Tens of millions of people in India’s northern state of Bihar were badly affected by the storms and floods caused by heavy monsoon rains. Thousands of villages were flooded and people rendered homeless. Several people lost their lives, thousands of animals swept away and croplands submerged due to floodwaters. IDRF promptly launched the disaster relief and rehabilitation programs through its reputable partner-NGO: Manav Seva Sansthan (MSS) and decided to send 100% of the donations received for flood victims.

NGO: Manav Seva Sansthan

NGO team packing 150 Relief Kits for flood victims

Distribution of Relief Kits to 150 poor families

People taking the Relief Kits back to their villages

Due to stagnant waters for several weeks, the water-bodies in the area got contaminated and people were using that water to drink and cook, thus, resulting in skin and gastrointestinal diseases. Access to health centers was disrupted due to damage to roads and the situation was particularly serious for children and pregnant women. In order to provide urgent health-care services, IDRF supported five Mobile Health Camps in the worst affected areas. Free medical checkups and distribution of medicines were done for the poor flood victims. In addition, 75 hand pumps were repaired and the water supply was restored in them for use by the local people. These low-depth hand pumps were also chlorinated to provide water for drinking and other household uses.

Free checkups and medicines for poor flood victims​

IDRF also started a program to rehabilitate 150 families in Madhubani district whose only means of livelihood is small scale agriculture. These families were provided high-quality seeds of high yielding crops like wheat and potatoes, etc. to start over again.

In addition, the following items were also provided to 150 poor families who have lost all their belongings due to the floods:

Quantity Per Households
1 Quilts(for winter use) 02
2 Water Filter(manuakky operated) 1
3 Emergency Lights(solar-powdered) 1
4 Mosquito Nets 02

Quilts, water filters, solar emergency lights, and mosquito nets, etc. for 150 flood-affected families

Rehabilitation and livelihood support provided to 150 poor households