NGO: Lila Poonawalla Foundation

NGO: Lila Poonawalla Foundation

Padmashree Ms. Lila Poonawalla along with her husband Mr. Firoz Poonawalla established the Lila Poonawalla Foundation (LPF) in 1995 with a vision to contribute to the empowerment of Indian women. LPF supports academically outstanding and financially deserving girls through scholarships to pursue higher education. LPF places great importance on nurturing women’s abilities through comprehensive education, including personal development workshops, activities, study tours, and other enrichment programs. Since its inception, LPF has transformed the lives of over 10,800 girls and their families. The foundation gives Scholarships to the girls from Amaravati, Wardha and Nagpur in Maharashtra and Hyderabad in Telangana.

IDRF partner since: 2009

The focus of LPF scholarships lies in the overall development and transformation of the scholarship recipients. Besides the financial assistance provided for completing their professional education, LPF focuses on ‘Beyond Scholarship’ by investing in the Skill Building & Development interventions to transform its girls into confident employable professionals for the industry at large. This also makes them balanced, empathetic and responsible human being. LPF provides them support in locating internship and placement opportunities, especially to those girls who may not get campus placement opportunities. LPF School Project is also supported with need based infrastructure and counseling of girls and their parents.

Many LILA Girls/LILA Fellows are working as Leaders in organizations such as Google, TCS, IBM, and Walmart in the USA. In India, thousands of LILA Girls and LILA Fellows are excelling in their career with Corporate MNCs, Hospitals, Academia Institutes, Research Organizations, Consulting and Civil Services.

LPF encourages the culture of give back within the LILA Girls/LILA Fellows through donations to help other girls get an education and blossom into confident young ladies through mentoring.

Skill building and training program for LILA Fellows.

Lila Girls from Wardha in a training class

Please click on  to know more about how Lila Poonawalla Foundation champions the significant cause of promoting girl’s education and women empowerment

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