Partner with Us

IDRF has joined many generous donors in their personal quest to bring development to India. Working hand in hand with donors, we have successfully given shape to many visions and created lasting legacies beyond their expectations.

For instance, IDRF partnered with an Indian American from New Jersey to fulfill his life-long ambition to start a school in his native village. Working together for over twenty years, we have shaped the school into a quality learning institution for children from kindergarten through high school (higher secondary). Today, the school serves 25 nearby villages, preparing more than 1,100 children for a bright future (read the full story).

Some of our recent donor-advised programs:

Click here for moreĀ program details.

Do you dream about making a difference?Ā 
Does your company want to give back to the community?

We offer donors the privilege of choosing their dream project or designating any non-profit organization in India as their beneficiary. IDRF will work with you on a case-by-caseĀ  basis. PleaseĀ contact usĀ for more information.

Note:Ā  If you would like to donate to an Indian organization that isĀ newĀ to IDRF, we will acceptĀ onlyĀ if the designated organization is:

  • approved for foreign contributions (FCRA approved);
  • tax exempt;
  • Internet-connected; and
  • complies with annual audits.

Furthermore, we ask that the donor raise at least $7,500 ā€“ this can come from multiple donors, all destined for the same organization.Ā Ā  We set up this standard in order to keep our and our partner NGOsā€™ administrative costs low.Ā  IDRF may retain a small portion to cover administrative costs (2-6.25%). As your aggregate donation increases, the percentage retained is lowered.