Volunteer & Fundraising


Prayas, a group of philanthropists in Charlotte, North Carolina raise funds for supporting poorly resourced charitable organizations in rural Maharashtra, India. A project is chosen every year based on the needs of local NGOs.

Click for more information about Prayas.

Please Donate.

Prayas”, a group of philanthropists in North Carolina raise funds for supporting development programs in rural India where resources are scarce and the need is monumental. This year Prayas is raising funds to build an indoor shelter for Infant India, an organization that hosts about 65 HIV-positive children. The 2500 sq feet shelter will include a kitchen and a cafeteria. Please Donate

More information about Prayas 


Volunteers are an integral part of the IDRF team, assisting with the organization on a daily, monthly, or project basis.

We welcome volunteers who have a passion for the cause and would like to contribute specific skills or help with ongoing activity.


IDRF volunteers organized a fundraiser at Tatva India Cuisine in Virginia to raise funds for Kerala Floods relief/rehabilitation program

If you have prior experience in any of the following areas, we would love to hear from you:

Please contact us with a brief introduction about your skills and interests. Telecommuting is okay for most volunteer services.

Visit us often for updates on specific volunteer opportunities