NGO: Center for Advocacy and Research

NGO: Center for Advocacy and Research and Partnership for Transparency Fund, USA

The Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR) is a non-profit organization, founded in January 1998. It is committed to advancing the welfare of the poor and improving the quality of life of women, children, and vulnerable and marginalized groups. Its focus has been on a strong gender and development perspective given the growing influence that media was having in shaping public perceptions of gender and development.

Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) is a Washington, DC-based non-governmental organization founded in 1998. It supports innovative civil society organization-led and related approaches to reduce corruption, increase transparency, strengthen governance, and enhance accountability in low- and middle-income economies. PTF has supported more than 200 projects in over 50 countries.

IDRF partner since: 2019

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