IDRF puts power- not charity – in the hands of those in need in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka

“giving back”!
Your charitable gift will help several lives and leave them forever grateful…

Donor Advised Fund.
Your charitable gift will help several lives and leave them forever grateful…

Giving Options.
Your charitable gift will help several lives and leave them forever grateful…

Our Vision
Empower the poor and the needy.
Our Mission
Enhance sustainable and equitable access to education, health, agriculture, water and sanitation, and infrastructure to target groups along with a rapid response to victims of a disaster.
Focus Areas
Education & Skill Development
IDRF programs provide affordable, holistic education to students across India and Nepal..
Women Empowerment
Women’s empowerment is to educate and train women with the skills and confidence..
Environmental Sustainability
Environment Sustainability most commonly refers to products and practices that contribute..
Access to healthcare is among the most basic human needs. IDRF supports projects that provide..
Governance & Innovation
IDRF recognizes that its modest resources cannot be a substitute for the vast resources available under ..
Disaster Relief & Rehabilitation
IDRF has been very active in rebuilding communities in the aftermath of various natural and man-made..
Facts & Figures
(As of June 2024)